James Yates, Ph.D., LPC, is dedicated to providing counseling and education grounded in a holistic, mind/body approach. His primary treatment approaches are Gestalt Therapy, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), and mindfulness. In addition, he incorporates a wide range of techniques and tools he has learned and developed over the years. He trained at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland and has 27 years of experience as a Gestalt therapist working with individuals and groups in private practice. He trained with the EMDR Institute and has over 15 years experience using EMDR. He is a past faculty member of the Appalachian Gestalt Therapy Institute. He has been practicing Zen meditation for over 40 years and teaches meditation and mindfulness.
Pre-Conference Workshop:
Explore Your Inner BE-ing with Equine Gestalt Coaching Method with Lisa Martin and Harriet Morton
Please see schedule for pre-conference location details!
Come celebrate 2014: Year of the Horse!
Long ago, humans and horses formed a partnership that changed humanity. Horses have carried our burdens, worked alongside us, toiled for us, fought for us in war and sacrificed themselves to nourish our prosperity and our bodies. They have willingly bore our hope on their strong backs, moving us forward into the future we now share. We are intrinsically intertwined with the horse.
The horse is an active partner with the EGCM coach in the coaching and healing experience. Together horse & human guide you through your experience to help isolate the unfinished business. Through experiential interaction they will assist you in clearing the energy that has been holding you back or keeping you from your best self.
From: http://www.egcmethod.com/
Lisa Martin was certified as an Equine Gestalt Coach by Melisa Pearce through the Touched By A Horse certification program. By utilizing the method of Gestalt Therapy in a coaching practice Lisa specializes in the complex relationship between mothers and daughters and anyone looking to gain awareness into their own lives. When not practicing life coaching, Lisa can be found teaching horseback riding lessons, working as an Equine Veterinary Technician or spending time with her family on their farm in Bethel, NC.
Harriet Morton is also certified as an EGCM practitioner through the Touched By A Horse Program. Harriet is a lifelong horsewoman who continues to own/operate Cricket Hollow Stables in Abbeville, SC with her family. She combines life coaching skills, Gestalt and her fellow equine in team building workshops, personal empowerment/healing and finding the creative genius in you!
Conference Workshops:
Opening Ceremony with Barbara Marlowe, LCSW
The opening ceremony is an invocation to explore the wide world of Gestalt through movement--both internally and in community.
Our bodies and music will be our gides to be in the present and observe the slightest resistance, the habitual motion and the suppressed self. The opening ceremony will help us find a voice through movement. the facilitator, Barbara Maerlow, LCSW will draw on the work developed by Andrea Juhan, Ph.D., that incorporates principles by Gabrielle Roth who was influenced by Gestalt Therapy. Barbara will create an opportunity for you to set intentions into motion--intentions for the workshop, for your practice and your life.
Barbara Marlowe, LCSW has been a clinical social worker since 1976. Working with illness and trauma are particular area's of focus. Barbara is trained in cognitive hypnosis and studied creative improvisational theatre. Recently she received a certificate in 5Rhythm Movement Therapy and conducted 'growth groups' with focus's such as Love Your Body: Imagine That! She also offers Move Your Stress Movement Groups through the Integrative Healthcare Program at Mission Hospital. She is currently in training to become a 5Rhythm Teacher. Barbara has a playful spirit and describes herself as a 'freed spirit.' Movement is her passion and she brings her passion for movement into inspired therapeutic growth.
Introduction to Gestalt Therapy: An Experiential and Didactic Exploration of the Basic Concepts of Gestalt Therapy with Nicholas Emmaneul, MA, LMFT and Madelon Rudman Clark, MSW, LISW
This workshop is designed for those who have had little to no exposure to Gestalt Therapy and those who may be considering Gestalt Training.
Nicholas Emmanuel, MA, LMFT graduated from the University of West Georgia with a Master's degree in Psychology. He is a co-founder of the Appalachian Gestalt Therapy Institute and brings a wealth of training and clinical experience to this program. He has over 700 hours of specialized training in Gestalt Therapy and over 40 years experience as a clinical practitioner and teacher in a variety of settings. He is currently in private practice in Sylva, NC.
Madelon Rudman Clark, MSW, LISW graduated from the University of Illinois with a Master’s Degree in Social Work. She worked for many years in
the mental health field as a therapist and consultant as well as maintaining a private practice specializing in the area of eating disorders. Madelon did her Gestalt Therapy training at the Contemporary Gestalt Institute of Cincinnati (CGI). She served on CGI’s Board of Directors, chaired the training program committee and was a member of the faculty before she and her husband relocated to the Asheville area where she has enthusiastically joined the faculty of the Appalachian Gestalt Training Institute.
The Organism and the Environment: Exploring Our Ecological Selves with Bryan Dieterich, MA, LPC
This presentation will provide an opportunity to experience a blending of Ecopsychology and Gestalt Therapy in exploring fear, grief and healing around the dilemmas of living in an age of ecocatastrophe (from global climate change and species extinction to the degradation of human and other-than-human health and beyond). Together we will remember, reconnect and rejuvenate through the exploration of our ecological selves. Reestablish the joy and connectedness you once had as a small child marveling at the star filled evening sky, the crash of ocean waves and the sway of towering trees. And bring that sense of connection forward, into your everyday life and work as a therapist. This exploration will be largely experiential with supportive didactic material.
Bryan Dieterich, MA, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor who holds a Masters degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology (with an emphasis in Wilderness Therapy) from Naropa University and is a faculty member of the Appalachian Gestalt Therapy Institute. His areas of experience include eco-therapy, emotional process and communication skills, addictions work, depression, stress and anxiety, couples and relationship issues, personal and spiritual growth, and emotional trauma.
Dancing Yourselves: An Inner Movement Dialogue with Barbara Marlowe, LCSW
Movement allows all the parts of ourselves to express themselves. This 2.5 hour workshop offers participants the opportunity to explore and express their unique internal dialogue. Inspired by 5 Rhythm Movement Therapy, a full range of music and subtle direction, this experiential workshop is both fun and profound. Both the experienced and novice Gestalt practitioner will appreciate an opportunity to delve deep and explore the dance within. No censors. Full expression. No dance or movement experience required. Bring all yourselves! Comfortable clothing and a sense of humor required. All levels of physical ability. An invitation to Dance Like Yourself and with All Your Selves.
Barbara Marlowe, LCSW has been a clinical social worker since 1976. Working with illness and trauma are particular area's of focus. Barbara is trained in cognitive hypnosis and studied creative improvisational theatre. Recently she received a certificate in 5Rhythm Movement Therapy and conducted 'growth groups' with focus's such as Love Your Body: Imagine That! She also offers Move Your Stress Movement Groups through the Integrative Healthcare Program at Mission Hospital. She is currently in training to become a 5Rhythm Teacher. Barbara has a playful spirit and describes herself as a 'freed spirit.' Movement is her passion and she brings her passion for movement into inspired therapeutic growth.
Your Body Knows: Uncover the Psychological Roots of Physical Symptoms with James Yates, Ph.D., L.P.C.
Uncover and work through self-defeating psychological patterns that contribute to physical dis-ease. Through discussion, demonstration and experiential exercises, you will learn mind/body techniques drawn from Gestalt Therapy for working with troubling physical symptoms.
James Yates, Ph.D., LPC, trained at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland and has over 20 years experience as a Gestalt therapist working with individuals and groups in private practice. He is a faculty member of the Appalachian Gestalt Therapy Institute. His primary focus is life and career transitions. James is committed to helping people take responsibility for their health and life direction, providing classes and free monthly workshops to the community. Motivated by an illness in the family, he is creating a holistic, integrative model, Survive and Thrive, for laypersons to make the shift from passive consumers to active participants in their health care. A special focus is clarifying the role of systems theory and field theory in Gestalt therapy.
Surrendering: The Whole That We Are with Vickie Hawkes Love, BSM, Somatic Educator, Somatic Expressionist
This experiential workshop will explore our wholeness through mindful contact and awareness with self in the present moment, in nature and in other. We will begin by attuning to ourselves and the parts that we are in contact with and relate to, at that time. Then through: movement, meditation, exploration and play we will call our remote parts back to us. We cultivate contact with unknown parts that we have assigned to or hold in others. Finally, we practice yielding into and wholly falling into surrender. We will prepare to become the whole that is each of us, the whole that we are.
Exercises may include: Taking a walk to gather myself and Sometimes I remember how to play, How I “get” there from here and dyad session work.
Recently completed Clinical Practicum with Connie Lofgreen, MSW, CSAT and author of The Storm of Sex Addiction: Rescue and Recovery (2012). While working with Lofgreen she developed a working model and completed numerous client recommendations. This led to her presently unfolding consulting practice: vhlconsult, subtitled Strategic Body Mind Solutions. Her integrative body reading and assessment protocol is a compilation of systems from over 10 years of study in the healing arts, body psychotherapy, somatic psychology and Gestalt therapy. One central premise in her work is that “the way our movement is organized is a projection of the way our brain is organized and the way we move organizes our brain” (Knaster, 1996, p. 232). She graduates in May 2014 with a Master’s in Somatic Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology.
She looks forward to consulting with mental health professionals and medical professionals to coordinate adjunctive therapies and services. Her focus at present, is on integrated recovery models for rehabilitation programs and pain management facilities. She has recently developed a body led foundations movement work for the disenfranchised.
Professional Codes of Ethics and the Relational Flavoring of Gestalt Therapy with Anne Leibig LCS
This workshop will look at the context for the creation of Professional Codes of Ethics and their Deontological framework which considers "shoulds". Gestalt Therapy will be presented with it's relational emphasis from a Teleological framework which emphasizes what are you wanting feeling, doing. Participants will explore ways to choose Gestalt Therapy relational interventions in an ethical dilemma and recognize Professional Codes of Ethics.
Anne Leibig is one of the founding members of the Appalachian Gestalt Therapy Institutes and is on the conference planning committee for the AAGT International Conference in Asilomar California, September 2-6, 2014. She has retired from a 25 year Gestalt Therapy practice in Abingdon Virginia. Her early training was in the Polster's San Diego program. After attending a 1986 workshop with Laura Perls at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland Anne compiled "Laura Posner Perls --In Memory". http://www.gestalt.org/laura.htm. Her other publications have been "Closing Words" in the Gestalt Review Vol 12, number 3, 2008, "ElderSpirit Community -Mutual Support and Late-life Spirituality" in Community, Psychotherapy and Life Focus: A Gestalt Anthology of the History, Theory and Practice of Living in Community, edited by Brian O'Neil, Ravenwood Press, 2009 and "Spirit of Place -Sitting Still in ElderSpirit Community" published in InnerSense-A journal of Spiritual Life, Volume 3 number 1, 2012, Brian O'Neil Editor. She has served in a variety of clinical, teaching and administrative roles in the Virginia Appalachian Mountains. She lives in Abingdon Virginia with her husband Dick Austin and is a member of ElderSpirit Community.
I, Thou, and We: Integrating Gestalt, Psychodynamic, and Systemic Approaches to Couples Therapy with Matthew Leary, PhD
This presentation will focus on how couples balance basic needs for autonomy and connection. Couples often communicate underlying emotions and attachment needs in indirect, unconscious ways both verbally and nonverbally. Following a brief didactic presentation, we will move into some experiential exercises and role-plays focused on facilitating couple facilitating differentiation, responsibility for self, and acceptance of projections and unexpressed parts of themselves. The workshop will conclude with a process group focused on participants’ own relationship experiences and reactivity to couples with whom they work.
Matthew Burgess Leary, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Charlotte, NC. He has taught couples and family therapy in two different Masters and Doctoral programs, and received post-doctoral training in couples and family therapy at Council for Relationships in Philadelphia. He has been a long-time member of the experientially-oriented American Academy of Psychotherapists, and is currently also a trainee at Appalachian Gestalt Therapy Institute. He has learned the most about being a couple and self-in-relationship from his 17 year marriage to his wife, Hillary.
Mindful Awareness and Body Centered Psychotherapy with Kedar Brown, M.Ed.
This workshop will be both a didactic and experiential learning process for understanding the use of Mindfulness and Body Centered Psychotherapy to access subconscious core beliefs, identify the presence of developmental deficits and or trauma; identify basic body movements and postures that reflect a more defensive or open awareness of client during therapy session.
Kedar is a Licensed Professional Counselor & certified Hakomi body-centered psychotherapist with over 29 years of clinical counseling experience. He is the program manager & senior clinician for SUWS of the Carolinas & Phoenix Outdoor wilderness program for teens & also the Founder & Director of Rites Of Passage Council. Kedar blends many creative & expressive forms of body-centered psychotherapy, with other methods of healing through indigenous ceremonies, rites and rituals. Kedar is also the founder of: “Savallie” Body Nature Psychotherapy Training Programs. Kedar's psychotherapy and ceremonial work has taken him across the US, Ireland, Australia and West Africa.
Deep Release – Exploring Neural Pathways Between the Brain and Body with BB Harding
Our brain interprets life. This interpretation impacts the chemistry in our bodies and how the neuropeptides communicate with each other. In a coaching/therapeutic environment having a means to reopen the neural pathways can prove to be invaluable to the clients that are served. This discussion will focus on the brain/body connection and an experience of two techniques that can be used to somatically calm the body/mind creating lasting effects for neural pathways.
BB Harding has a degree in Business Administration and has worked primarily in the corporate environment for more than 40 years. She has had a long-time avocation of studying what can be considered alternative/complimentary forms of healing. She is in the process of making the transition into the next phase of her life supporting women in transition and finding their heartfelt career. She is certified in Neuro Integration through the Alchemystery School of Science, Heart IQ through the CP Network, and the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method through the Touched by a Horse program. She has authored Essential Oil Wisdom, an intuitive understanding of what essential oils contribute to the healing process.
Explore Your Inner BE-ing with Equine Gestalt Coaching Method with Lisa Martin and Harriet Morton
Please see schedule for pre-conference location details!
Come celebrate 2014: Year of the Horse!
Long ago, humans and horses formed a partnership that changed humanity. Horses have carried our burdens, worked alongside us, toiled for us, fought for us in war and sacrificed themselves to nourish our prosperity and our bodies. They have willingly bore our hope on their strong backs, moving us forward into the future we now share. We are intrinsically intertwined with the horse.
The horse is an active partner with the EGCM coach in the coaching and healing experience. Together horse & human guide you through your experience to help isolate the unfinished business. Through experiential interaction they will assist you in clearing the energy that has been holding you back or keeping you from your best self.
From: http://www.egcmethod.com/
Lisa Martin was certified as an Equine Gestalt Coach by Melisa Pearce through the Touched By A Horse certification program. By utilizing the method of Gestalt Therapy in a coaching practice Lisa specializes in the complex relationship between mothers and daughters and anyone looking to gain awareness into their own lives. When not practicing life coaching, Lisa can be found teaching horseback riding lessons, working as an Equine Veterinary Technician or spending time with her family on their farm in Bethel, NC.
Harriet Morton is also certified as an EGCM practitioner through the Touched By A Horse Program. Harriet is a lifelong horsewoman who continues to own/operate Cricket Hollow Stables in Abbeville, SC with her family. She combines life coaching skills, Gestalt and her fellow equine in team building workshops, personal empowerment/healing and finding the creative genius in you!
Conference Workshops:
Opening Ceremony with Barbara Marlowe, LCSW
The opening ceremony is an invocation to explore the wide world of Gestalt through movement--both internally and in community.
Our bodies and music will be our gides to be in the present and observe the slightest resistance, the habitual motion and the suppressed self. The opening ceremony will help us find a voice through movement. the facilitator, Barbara Maerlow, LCSW will draw on the work developed by Andrea Juhan, Ph.D., that incorporates principles by Gabrielle Roth who was influenced by Gestalt Therapy. Barbara will create an opportunity for you to set intentions into motion--intentions for the workshop, for your practice and your life.
Barbara Marlowe, LCSW has been a clinical social worker since 1976. Working with illness and trauma are particular area's of focus. Barbara is trained in cognitive hypnosis and studied creative improvisational theatre. Recently she received a certificate in 5Rhythm Movement Therapy and conducted 'growth groups' with focus's such as Love Your Body: Imagine That! She also offers Move Your Stress Movement Groups through the Integrative Healthcare Program at Mission Hospital. She is currently in training to become a 5Rhythm Teacher. Barbara has a playful spirit and describes herself as a 'freed spirit.' Movement is her passion and she brings her passion for movement into inspired therapeutic growth.
Introduction to Gestalt Therapy: An Experiential and Didactic Exploration of the Basic Concepts of Gestalt Therapy with Nicholas Emmaneul, MA, LMFT and Madelon Rudman Clark, MSW, LISW
This workshop is designed for those who have had little to no exposure to Gestalt Therapy and those who may be considering Gestalt Training.
Nicholas Emmanuel, MA, LMFT graduated from the University of West Georgia with a Master's degree in Psychology. He is a co-founder of the Appalachian Gestalt Therapy Institute and brings a wealth of training and clinical experience to this program. He has over 700 hours of specialized training in Gestalt Therapy and over 40 years experience as a clinical practitioner and teacher in a variety of settings. He is currently in private practice in Sylva, NC.
Madelon Rudman Clark, MSW, LISW graduated from the University of Illinois with a Master’s Degree in Social Work. She worked for many years in
the mental health field as a therapist and consultant as well as maintaining a private practice specializing in the area of eating disorders. Madelon did her Gestalt Therapy training at the Contemporary Gestalt Institute of Cincinnati (CGI). She served on CGI’s Board of Directors, chaired the training program committee and was a member of the faculty before she and her husband relocated to the Asheville area where she has enthusiastically joined the faculty of the Appalachian Gestalt Training Institute.
The Organism and the Environment: Exploring Our Ecological Selves with Bryan Dieterich, MA, LPC
This presentation will provide an opportunity to experience a blending of Ecopsychology and Gestalt Therapy in exploring fear, grief and healing around the dilemmas of living in an age of ecocatastrophe (from global climate change and species extinction to the degradation of human and other-than-human health and beyond). Together we will remember, reconnect and rejuvenate through the exploration of our ecological selves. Reestablish the joy and connectedness you once had as a small child marveling at the star filled evening sky, the crash of ocean waves and the sway of towering trees. And bring that sense of connection forward, into your everyday life and work as a therapist. This exploration will be largely experiential with supportive didactic material.
Bryan Dieterich, MA, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor who holds a Masters degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology (with an emphasis in Wilderness Therapy) from Naropa University and is a faculty member of the Appalachian Gestalt Therapy Institute. His areas of experience include eco-therapy, emotional process and communication skills, addictions work, depression, stress and anxiety, couples and relationship issues, personal and spiritual growth, and emotional trauma.
Dancing Yourselves: An Inner Movement Dialogue with Barbara Marlowe, LCSW
Movement allows all the parts of ourselves to express themselves. This 2.5 hour workshop offers participants the opportunity to explore and express their unique internal dialogue. Inspired by 5 Rhythm Movement Therapy, a full range of music and subtle direction, this experiential workshop is both fun and profound. Both the experienced and novice Gestalt practitioner will appreciate an opportunity to delve deep and explore the dance within. No censors. Full expression. No dance or movement experience required. Bring all yourselves! Comfortable clothing and a sense of humor required. All levels of physical ability. An invitation to Dance Like Yourself and with All Your Selves.
Barbara Marlowe, LCSW has been a clinical social worker since 1976. Working with illness and trauma are particular area's of focus. Barbara is trained in cognitive hypnosis and studied creative improvisational theatre. Recently she received a certificate in 5Rhythm Movement Therapy and conducted 'growth groups' with focus's such as Love Your Body: Imagine That! She also offers Move Your Stress Movement Groups through the Integrative Healthcare Program at Mission Hospital. She is currently in training to become a 5Rhythm Teacher. Barbara has a playful spirit and describes herself as a 'freed spirit.' Movement is her passion and she brings her passion for movement into inspired therapeutic growth.
Your Body Knows: Uncover the Psychological Roots of Physical Symptoms with James Yates, Ph.D., L.P.C.
Uncover and work through self-defeating psychological patterns that contribute to physical dis-ease. Through discussion, demonstration and experiential exercises, you will learn mind/body techniques drawn from Gestalt Therapy for working with troubling physical symptoms.
James Yates, Ph.D., LPC, trained at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland and has over 20 years experience as a Gestalt therapist working with individuals and groups in private practice. He is a faculty member of the Appalachian Gestalt Therapy Institute. His primary focus is life and career transitions. James is committed to helping people take responsibility for their health and life direction, providing classes and free monthly workshops to the community. Motivated by an illness in the family, he is creating a holistic, integrative model, Survive and Thrive, for laypersons to make the shift from passive consumers to active participants in their health care. A special focus is clarifying the role of systems theory and field theory in Gestalt therapy.
Surrendering: The Whole That We Are with Vickie Hawkes Love, BSM, Somatic Educator, Somatic Expressionist
This experiential workshop will explore our wholeness through mindful contact and awareness with self in the present moment, in nature and in other. We will begin by attuning to ourselves and the parts that we are in contact with and relate to, at that time. Then through: movement, meditation, exploration and play we will call our remote parts back to us. We cultivate contact with unknown parts that we have assigned to or hold in others. Finally, we practice yielding into and wholly falling into surrender. We will prepare to become the whole that is each of us, the whole that we are.
Exercises may include: Taking a walk to gather myself and Sometimes I remember how to play, How I “get” there from here and dyad session work.
Recently completed Clinical Practicum with Connie Lofgreen, MSW, CSAT and author of The Storm of Sex Addiction: Rescue and Recovery (2012). While working with Lofgreen she developed a working model and completed numerous client recommendations. This led to her presently unfolding consulting practice: vhlconsult, subtitled Strategic Body Mind Solutions. Her integrative body reading and assessment protocol is a compilation of systems from over 10 years of study in the healing arts, body psychotherapy, somatic psychology and Gestalt therapy. One central premise in her work is that “the way our movement is organized is a projection of the way our brain is organized and the way we move organizes our brain” (Knaster, 1996, p. 232). She graduates in May 2014 with a Master’s in Somatic Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology.
She looks forward to consulting with mental health professionals and medical professionals to coordinate adjunctive therapies and services. Her focus at present, is on integrated recovery models for rehabilitation programs and pain management facilities. She has recently developed a body led foundations movement work for the disenfranchised.
Professional Codes of Ethics and the Relational Flavoring of Gestalt Therapy with Anne Leibig LCS
This workshop will look at the context for the creation of Professional Codes of Ethics and their Deontological framework which considers "shoulds". Gestalt Therapy will be presented with it's relational emphasis from a Teleological framework which emphasizes what are you wanting feeling, doing. Participants will explore ways to choose Gestalt Therapy relational interventions in an ethical dilemma and recognize Professional Codes of Ethics.
Anne Leibig is one of the founding members of the Appalachian Gestalt Therapy Institutes and is on the conference planning committee for the AAGT International Conference in Asilomar California, September 2-6, 2014. She has retired from a 25 year Gestalt Therapy practice in Abingdon Virginia. Her early training was in the Polster's San Diego program. After attending a 1986 workshop with Laura Perls at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland Anne compiled "Laura Posner Perls --In Memory". http://www.gestalt.org/laura.htm. Her other publications have been "Closing Words" in the Gestalt Review Vol 12, number 3, 2008, "ElderSpirit Community -Mutual Support and Late-life Spirituality" in Community, Psychotherapy and Life Focus: A Gestalt Anthology of the History, Theory and Practice of Living in Community, edited by Brian O'Neil, Ravenwood Press, 2009 and "Spirit of Place -Sitting Still in ElderSpirit Community" published in InnerSense-A journal of Spiritual Life, Volume 3 number 1, 2012, Brian O'Neil Editor. She has served in a variety of clinical, teaching and administrative roles in the Virginia Appalachian Mountains. She lives in Abingdon Virginia with her husband Dick Austin and is a member of ElderSpirit Community.
I, Thou, and We: Integrating Gestalt, Psychodynamic, and Systemic Approaches to Couples Therapy with Matthew Leary, PhD
This presentation will focus on how couples balance basic needs for autonomy and connection. Couples often communicate underlying emotions and attachment needs in indirect, unconscious ways both verbally and nonverbally. Following a brief didactic presentation, we will move into some experiential exercises and role-plays focused on facilitating couple facilitating differentiation, responsibility for self, and acceptance of projections and unexpressed parts of themselves. The workshop will conclude with a process group focused on participants’ own relationship experiences and reactivity to couples with whom they work.
Matthew Burgess Leary, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Charlotte, NC. He has taught couples and family therapy in two different Masters and Doctoral programs, and received post-doctoral training in couples and family therapy at Council for Relationships in Philadelphia. He has been a long-time member of the experientially-oriented American Academy of Psychotherapists, and is currently also a trainee at Appalachian Gestalt Therapy Institute. He has learned the most about being a couple and self-in-relationship from his 17 year marriage to his wife, Hillary.
Mindful Awareness and Body Centered Psychotherapy with Kedar Brown, M.Ed.
This workshop will be both a didactic and experiential learning process for understanding the use of Mindfulness and Body Centered Psychotherapy to access subconscious core beliefs, identify the presence of developmental deficits and or trauma; identify basic body movements and postures that reflect a more defensive or open awareness of client during therapy session.
Kedar is a Licensed Professional Counselor & certified Hakomi body-centered psychotherapist with over 29 years of clinical counseling experience. He is the program manager & senior clinician for SUWS of the Carolinas & Phoenix Outdoor wilderness program for teens & also the Founder & Director of Rites Of Passage Council. Kedar blends many creative & expressive forms of body-centered psychotherapy, with other methods of healing through indigenous ceremonies, rites and rituals. Kedar is also the founder of: “Savallie” Body Nature Psychotherapy Training Programs. Kedar's psychotherapy and ceremonial work has taken him across the US, Ireland, Australia and West Africa.
Deep Release – Exploring Neural Pathways Between the Brain and Body with BB Harding
Our brain interprets life. This interpretation impacts the chemistry in our bodies and how the neuropeptides communicate with each other. In a coaching/therapeutic environment having a means to reopen the neural pathways can prove to be invaluable to the clients that are served. This discussion will focus on the brain/body connection and an experience of two techniques that can be used to somatically calm the body/mind creating lasting effects for neural pathways.
BB Harding has a degree in Business Administration and has worked primarily in the corporate environment for more than 40 years. She has had a long-time avocation of studying what can be considered alternative/complimentary forms of healing. She is in the process of making the transition into the next phase of her life supporting women in transition and finding their heartfelt career. She is certified in Neuro Integration through the Alchemystery School of Science, Heart IQ through the CP Network, and the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method through the Touched by a Horse program. She has authored Essential Oil Wisdom, an intuitive understanding of what essential oils contribute to the healing process.